
sigh. A good rant. A sobering truth.

My daughter is looking for a rental house again in less than a year. The landlord caved to bids from developers. There is no way an middle class individual can compete with developers. When they asked the landlord how much he was asking they were told 3 developers were bidding on the property and wouldn't even give them an amount.

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Two words, Eric -- Eat them. Turn it to your advantage. As long as you're going to spend time digging them up, cut off the root and gain a dinner veggie. Dandelion greens are bitter, but very nutritious. Actually, they're very, very bitter. I remember going with my mother to empty fields to pick (dig) dandelion greens when we lived in New Hampshire in the 1950s. They were a staple in our house. She steamed them, and we put butter, vinegar, and salt & pepper on them. But I hear they're better sauteed with butter and garlic. And you can dig them for all they're worth, but those roots are very, very long--they'll come back.

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